《Quarterly Journal of Economics》(《经济学季刊》)是最为古老的经济学专业英文期刊,创刊于1886年,由哈佛大学经济系主办,发表内容涵盖经济学的各个领域。
作为经济学五大顶刊之一,近年来《Quarterly Journal of Economics》的影响因子长期位居五大刊榜首。
本文主要展示了《Quarterly Journal of Economics》上发表的引用量前十的中国经济题材论文,为对中国问题感兴趣的学者们和研究生们提供借鉴。
* 以下论文为手工整理,如有遗漏,欢迎后台留言补充,共同助力和传播国际顶级刊物中的中国声音。
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TOP 10
01. The Razor's Edge: Distortions and Incremental Reform in the People's Republic of China
发表时间:November 2000
Google Scholar引用量:1699
Alwyn Young 芝加哥大学(现:伦敦政治经济学院)
In a partially reformed economy, distortions beget distortions. Segments of the economy that are freed from centralized control respond to the rent-seeking opportunities implicit in the remaining distortions of the economy. The battle to capture, and then protect, these rents leads to the creation of new distortions, even as the reform process tries to move forward. In this paper I illustrate this idea with a study of the People's Republic of China. Under the plan, prices were skewed so as to concentrate profits, and hence revenue, in industry. As control over factor allocations was loosened, local governments throughout the economy sought to capture these rents by developing high margin industries. Continued reform, and growing interregional competition between duplicative industries, threatened the profitability of these industrial structures, leading local governments to impose a variety of interregional barriers to trade. Thus, the reform process led to the fragmentation of the domestic market and the distortion of regional production away from patterns of comparative advantage.
02. Capital Formation and Economic Growth in China
发表时间:August 1993
Google Scholar引用量:1289
Gregory C. Chow(邹至庄)普林斯顿大学
First, production functions are estimated for China's aggregate economy and for the five sectors—agriculture, industry, construction, transportation, and commerce—using annual data (some constructed by the author) from 1952 to 1980. Then, this paper measures the contribution of capital formation to the growth of these sectors, the effects of the Great Leap Forward of 1958–1962 and of the Cultural Revolution of 1966–1976 on outputs, the impact of economic reforms since 1979 on growth, the rates of return to capital, and the effects of sectorial growths on relative prices.
03. Does Working from Home Work? Evidence from a Chinese Experiment
发表时间:February 2015
Google Scholar引用量:1204
Nicholas Bloom 斯坦福大学经济系,斯坦福经济政策研究院,经济政策研究中心,美国国家经济研究局
James Liang(梁建章)北京大学光华管理学院和携程(现:携程)
John Roberts 斯坦福大学商学院和斯坦福经济政策研究院
Zhichun Jenny Ying 斯坦福大学经济系和基石研究咨询公司
A rising share of employees now regularly engage in working from home (WFH), but there are concerns this can lead to “shirking from home.” We report the results of a WFH experiment at Ctrip, a 16,000-employee, NASDAQ-listed Chinese travel agency. Call center employees who volunteered to WFH were randomly assigned either to work from home or in the office for nine months. Home working led to a 13% performance increase, of which 9% was from working more minutes per shift (fewer breaks and sick days) and 4% from more calls per minute (attributed to a quieter and more convenient working environment). Home workers also reported improved work satisfaction, and their attrition rate halved, but their promotion rate conditional on performance fell. Due to the success of the experiment, Ctrip rolled out the option to WFH to the whole firm and allowed the experimental employees to reselect between the home and office. Interestingly, over half of them switched, which led to the gains from WFH almost doubling to 22%. This highlights the benefits of learning and selection effects when adopting modern management practices like WFH.
04. Autonomy and Incentives in Chinese State Enterprises
发表时间:February 1994
Google Scholar引用量:960
Theodore Groves 加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校
Yongmiao Hong(洪永淼)康奈尔大学(现:中国科学院大学)
John McMillan 加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校
Barry Naughton 加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校
When the responsibility for output decisions was shifted from the state to the firm, and when firms were allowed to retain more of their profits, managers of Chinese state-owned enterprises strengthened workers' incentives. The managers paid more in bonuses and hired more workers on fixed-term contracts. The new incentives were effective: productivity increased with increases in bonus payments and in contract workers. The increase in autonomy raised workers' incomes (but not managers' incomes) and investment in the enterprise, but tended not to raise remittances to the state.
05. Export Prices Across Firms and Destinations
发表时间:February 2012
Google Scholar引用量:843
Kalina Manova 斯坦福大学和美国国家经济研究局(现:伦敦大学学院)
Zhiwei Zhang 野村资产管理公司和国际货币基金组织
This article establishes six stylized facts about firms' export prices using detailed customs data on the universe of Chinese trade flows. First, across firms selling a given product, exporters that charge higher prices earn greater revenues in each destination, have bigger worldwide sales, and enter more markets. Second, firms that export more, enter more markets, and charge higher export prices import more expensive inputs. Third, across destinations within a firm-product, firms set higher prices in richer, larger, bilaterally more distant and overall less remote countries. Fourth, across destinations within a firm-product, firms earn bigger revenues in markets where they set higher prices. Fifth, across firms within a product, exporters with more destinations offer a wider range of export prices. Finally, firms that export more, enter more markets, and offer a wider range of export prices pay a wider range of input prices and source inputs from more origin countries. We propose that trade models should incorporate two features to rationalize these patterns in the data: more successful exporters use higher quality inputs to produce higher quality goods (stylized facts 1 and 2), and firms vary the quality of their products across destinations by using inputs of different quality levels (stylized facts 3, 4, 5, and 6).
06. Missing Women and the Price of Tea in China: The Effect of Sex-Specific Earnings on Sex Imbalance
发表时间:August 2008
Google Scholar引用量:837
Nancy Qian(钱楠筠)布朗大学经济系(现:美国西北大学)
Economists have long argued that the sex imbalance in developing countries is caused by underlying economic conditions. This paper uses exogenous increases in sex-specific agricultural income caused by post-Mao reforms in China to estimate the effects of total income and sex-specific income on sex-differential survival of children. Increasing female income, holding male income constant, improves survival rates for girls, whereas increasing male income, holding female income constant, worsens survival rates for girls. Increasing female income increases educational attainment of all children, whereas increasing male income decreases educational attainment for girls and has no effect on boys' educational attainment.
07. Ownership and Control in Outsourcing to China: Estimating the Property-Rights Theory of the Firm
发表时间:May 2005
Google Scholar引用量:581
Robert C. Feenstra 加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校,美国国家经济研究局
Gordon H. Hanson 加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校,美国国家经济研究局
We develop a simple model of international outsourcing and apply it to processing trade in China. Export processing involves a foreign firm contracting with a Chinese factory manager to assemble intermediate inputs into a final product. Whether the same or different parties should have ownership of the processing factory and control over input purchases depends on parameters of the model, which we estimate. We find that multinational firms engaged in export processing in China tend to split factory ownership and input control with local managers: the most common outcome is to have foreign factory ownership but Chinese control over input purchases. Consistent with our model, this pattern is especially prevalent in the southern coastal provinces, where export markets are thickest and contracting costs are lowest.
08. Insecure Property Rights and Government Ownership of Firms
发表时间:May 1998
Google Scholar引用量:496
Jiahua Che(车嘉华)圣母大学(现:中欧国际工商学院)
Yingyi Qian(钱颖一)斯坦福大学(现:清华大学)
We develop a theory of the ownership of firms in an environment without secure property rights against state encroachment. “Private ownership” leads to excessive revenue hiding, and “state ownership” (i.e., national government ownership) fails to provide incentives for managers and local governments in a credible way. Because “local government ownership” integrates local government activities and business activities, local government may better serve the interests of the national government, and thus local government ownership may credibly limit state predation, increase local public goods provision, and reduce costly revenue hiding. We use our theory to interpret the relative success of local government-owned firms during China's transition to a market economy.
09. Public Versus Private Ownership of Firms: Evidence from Rural China
发表时间:August 1998
Google Scholar引用量:304
Hehui Jin 斯坦福大学
Yingyi Qian(钱颖一)斯坦福大学(现:清华大学)
Why are many of China's successful rural enterprises publically owned by local communities? Using a set of provincial data, we find that the share of community public firms (Township-Village Enterprises, or TVEs) relative to private enterprises is higher where the central government's influence is greater, the community government's power is stronger, and the level of market development is lower. We also find that TVEs help achieve the community government's goals of increasing government revenue, rural nonfarm employment, and rural income. However, TVEs do not increase rural income given the levels of nonfarm employment and local public goods provision, indicating possible inefficiency as compared with private enterprises.
10. Gender Discrimination in Job Ads: Evidence from China
发表时间:February 2013
Google Scholar引用量:243
Peter Kuhn 加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校,美国国家经济研究局,劳动研究所
Kailing Shen(沈凯玲)厦门大学和劳动研究所(现:澳大利亚国立大学和劳动研究所)
We study explicit gender discrimination in a population of ads on a Chinese Internet job board. Gender-targeted job ads are common, favor women as often as men, and are much less common in jobs requiring higher levels of skill. Employers’ relative preferences for female versus male workers, on the other hand, are more strongly related to the preferred age, height, and beauty of the worker than to job skill levels. Almost two thirds of the variation in advertised gender preferences occurs within firms, and one third occurs within firm*occupation cells. Overall, these patterns are not well explained by a firm-level animus model, by a glass-ceiling model, or by models in which broad occupational categories are consistently gendered across firms. Instead, the patterns suggest a model in which firms have idiosyncratic preferences for particular job-gender matches, which are overridden in skilled positions by factors such as thinner labor markets or a greater incentive to search broadly for the most qualified candidate.
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